2020/09/22 @臺灣
Soil block seedling transplanter
Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station
為改善蔬菜移植缺工的問題,本研究配合造塊育苗,開發半自動塊苗蔬菜移植機。移植機包含自走式機台及定植機組,田區作業時,機台跨畦行走,定植方式為一畦兩行,作業時以人工每次投放一列(8 個)塊苗,機組自動進行分苗及定植作業,定植行距約30cm,株距約45cm,定植深度約2.5 cm,行植方式採交錯式定植。定植機構與機台驅動輪軸連動,定植株距不受行走速度影響,經測試移植0.1 公頃約1~2 小時。本移植機特點為採批次式供苗,降低操作人員動作負擔,且配合造塊育苗,無產生廢棄塑膠軟盤之環保問題。
In order to improve the labor shortage in vegetable transplantation, a semi-automatic soil block seedling and vegetable transplanter was developed in conjunction with soil block seedling. The transplanter consists of a self-propelled machine and a planting machine. The transplanter travels across strips of field and plants in 2 rows for 1 strip, with 1 row(8 soil block seedlings)placed manually at a time. The distribution and planting of seedlings are operated automatically by the transplanter. In addition, the planting span between rows is about 30 cm, the distance between plants 45 cm, and the depth of planting 2.5 cm, in a way of staggered planting. The planting mechanism is connected to the machine's drive wheel axel. The distance between plants is not affected by moving speed, and we found that it takes about 1~2 hours to transplant 0.1 hectares after testing. The transplanter is characterized by supplying seedlings in batches, which reduces the workload of the operator and doesn't cause environmental problems such as producing discarded plastic floppy trays.
Fig. 1. Soil block seedling.
Fig. 2. Soil block seedling transplanter.