
加值化農產品產銷及物流技術, 運籌亞太潛力市場計畫

2020/09/22 @臺灣


加值化農產品產銷及物流技術, 運籌亞太潛力市場計畫

Operation for potential markets in the Asia-pacific region through added-value production and marketing as well as logistics management for agricultural products

  配合新南向政策,行政院農業委員會農糧署自106 年起統籌執行「加值化農產品產銷及物流技術,運籌亞太潛力市場」旗艦計畫,以臺灣農業「優質」、「安全」之形象為基礎,針對外銷缺乏的關鍵技術缺口進行科技研究盤點,並透過民間企業、大專院校、試驗改良場所一起合作研發、推動及建立海外試種基地,與新南向國家進行經貿合作、人才交流,共享資源。計畫先盤點我國優勢產業及新南向國家需求,擇定種子種苗、省工農機及加工產品,建立串聯式完整產業鏈,並導入業者,建立B2B 商業運作模式。

  In line with the New Southbound Policy, the Agriculture and Food Agency of Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, has organized and implemented the flagship project of “Operation for potential markets in the Asia-pacific region through added-value production and marketing as well as logistics management for agricultural products” since 2017, based on Taiwan's image of “high quality” and “safety” in agriculture. Moreover, the key technologies missing in exports are thoroughly reviewed. Overseas trial cultivation bases are developed, promoted, and created by private sectors and the colleges, which achieve economic and trade cooperation, talent exchange, and resource sharing with new southbound countries.

  This project plans to first identify Taiwan's competitive industries and the needs of the new southbound countries, and then to select seedlings, labor-saving agricultural machines, and processed products in order to connect them into a complete industry chain. Furthermore, the business owners are brought in to create a B2B business operation model.

加值化農產品產銷及物流技術, 運籌亞太潛力市場計畫-1



Building production and logistics systems for good crops

  Taiwan has several good cultivars and seedling production techniques, which are popular among new southbound countries. With the support of the flagship project, Taiwan has established internal control management, grafting, and the techniques of storage and transportation of healthy seedlings for passion fruits and bananas to strengthen the quality and competitiveness of seedlings for export. In addition, overseas trial cultivation bases and greenhouse demonstration areas have been established in Thailand and other 3 new southbound countries to demonstrate Taiwan's excellent, heat- or disease-resistant papaya, passion fruit, tomatoes, and cauliflower. In this way, we can further demonstrate Taiwan's diversified greenhouse equipment with good quality to enhance the exposure of Taiwan's agricultural products, encouraging local seedling traders and farmers to purchase Taiwan's seeds, seedlings, facilities, and equipment.

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Fig. 1. Passion fruit 'Tainung No.1' seedlings and trellis systems promoted successfully in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

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圖二、以新式塑膠盒取代玻璃瓶外銷每株蕉苗可省成運費3 元以上。
Fig. 2. Banana seedling glass bottles replaced with plastic boxes that saves shipping fee by more than NT$3.


  我國小型農機較歐、美、日產的農機具有高性價比優勢,且我國與新南向國家氣候相近,許多我國產製之農機亦可於新南向國家使用,因此,旗艦計畫針對蔬菜、雜糧、特作及鳳梨等作物研發特色農業機械,完成葉菜一貫化播種作畦作業機等8項商品示範機、取得軟式嫁接夾蔬果種苗嫁接機等5 項專利及乘坐式鳳梨採收平台等10 項技術授權,並輔導業者改良農機具,拓銷泰國及柬埔寨等市場。

Strengthen the core technology of labor-saving agricultural machines

  Taiwan's small agricultural machine has a better cost-performance ratio than those produced in Europe, the U.S., and Japan. In addition, Taiwan has a similar climate to the new southbound countries, and many of our agricultural machines can be used in the new southbound countries. Therefore, our flagship plan aims to develop specialty agricultural machines for vegetables, grains, special crops, and pineapples, and to complete 8 demonstration machines, such as the integrated seeding and planting machine for leafy vegetables. Besides, our flagship plan intends to obtain 5 patents, such as soft-clip fruit-bearing vegetable seedling grafting robotic system, and 10 cases of technology licensing, such as ride-on field management machine for pineapple. The flagship plan also provides counseling for the business owners to improve their farming equipment and expand their market in Thailand and Cambodia.

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Fig. 3. Integrated labor-saving grafting system—with precise rootstock and scion joining capacity.

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Fig. 4. Pineapple sorting harvester.


  新南向國家對於健康安全食品之需求逐年增加,爰旗艦計畫以新南向國家高端及健康取向消費者作為目標客群,輔導農民團體及加工業者導入多元加工技術,研發擠壓膨發營養棒、蔬果乾製品、果汁冰磚產品、烘焙用餡料與油脂產品、休閒點心產品、保健食品、掛耳茶包、臺灣特色調理食品等具外銷潛力新產品,並輔導25 家業者建立產品標準化製程,取得GLOBALG.A.P 等國際認驗證,提升農產加工品品質,拓展新南向市場。

Innovative preservation techniques of freshness imported into international certification

  The demand for healthy and safe food is increasing year after year in the new southbound countries. Therefore, the flagship plan targets the high-end and health-oriented consumers in the new southbound countries, and assists farmers' organizations and processors to introduce diversified processing techniques, and develop some new products with potential export, for instance, extruded puffed nutrition bars, dried fruits and vegetables, juice ice bricks, baking fillings and fat products, snacks, health foods, drip tea bags, and Taiwan specialty prepared foods. We also have assisted 25 companies in establishing standardized production processes and obtaining international certification such as GLOBALG.A.P. to upgrade the quality of processed agricultural products and expand into new southbound markets.

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Figure 5. Banana fish snack(original, chili, and black pepper).

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Fig. 6. Sweet potato and dragon fruit sauce.






